Monday, September 6, 2010

What would I do without my readers? You guys rock! If you're reading this, I just want to say love you all. You're what makes me keep writing. XOXO

Sunday, August 1, 2010

New FanFic Story by MOI

Okay, so, my computers been acting really stupid so I haven't published any new chapters or stories lately. But, yay, it went to an institution and is back to normal. This is a very unoriginal idea for a VA story. Dimitri takes Tasha's offer, leaves Rose, Rose tells Lissa, Lissa abandons her, Rose discovers she's pregnant with Dimitri's baby. Same old, same old. However, mines is different because I have Aqua, Dimitri's younger cousin, and Rose's other best friend. But she becomes her only best friend when Lissa kicks her out and says she never wants to see her again. They move to California, where Alberta provides them with a home. Then, 18 years later, at a public talent show, they are all brought back together. What will happen? Will Rose forgive them? Will Lissa be sorry enough? Will Dimitri want Rose back? Will Rose be able to trust them ever again? Read to find out, dumbies! Read like the wind! Here's the story, If We Ever Meet Again.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Not much to say. My mmom's going to Six Flags without me and my brother, though I'd prefer leaving the latter with my grandparents, and I have never been before. I'm trying to work something out with a story I started typing yesterday called "Juliet and I". But I don't know. Here's an excpit from it. Tell me what you think. BTW, the guy speaking is named Adrian.

I started looking around at the kids here. There was a group of girls in bright colors and skirts over by one of the school's entrances. They looked like the prep girls you see in movies and stuff. Then there was a group over by east wall. They were obviously the goths. They were all wearing black. It seriously amazes me how much this place is like a movie. I continued scanning, finding the geeks, the nerds (there's a difference), the jocks and cheerleaders, and then the loners, who didn't really have a group, but had friends, nonetheless. I finally saw the... well, you could call them the ghettos, I guess. They were mostly wearing baggy clothes. There were about 7 guys and 1 girl. And, oh my God, the girl was hot! She had had long blond hair and blue eyes and a gorgeous face. She was wearing a skin tight shirt that outlined her curves. She was short, about 5'0" and skinny. There was a smile on her face as she talked to her friends. One of the guys playfully took her Marlins hat off of her head and held up out of her reach. I chuckled as she jumped to get it, unsuccessfully. This, obviously pissed her off. She reached for the guy's shoulder and pressed where I assume his pressure point is. He double over low enough for her to get the hat back. She laughed and put her hat back on her head. I think she felt eyes on her because she turned her head toward me. I blushed and looked away. When I looked back up, she was walking toward me. When she got to me, she smiled warmly.

"Hey, are you new here?" she asked.

"Yeah. First day," I said.

"Oh, well, welcome to Sandalwood," she said. "My name's Juliet."

"Nice to meet you Juliet. I'm Adrian," I said.

How'd you like it? Hmmm? Hope you thought it was good. That was, of course, not all that I typed, just a part of it. Well, until next time, I bid you adue. Bye!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Okay, so, hi to you all! If you've never been on it, FanFiction is a site where you can make remixes of stories, or make your own stories. I found it through Google. I am the author of 16 stories about Vampire Academy, House of Night, Maximum Ride, Twilight, and Misc. Books, which is basically just your original stories instead of remixes of exsisting stories. Sign up, sign up, sign up!
No jkjkjk lololol. I heart your fuckin' makeup, oh my God I love your hair. Is that a new tattoo? Did that peicing fuckin' hurt? No jkjkjk lololol.
HAHAHA! Best song ever. Fer Sure by Meric Droid. Warning: Explict lyrics and wildly addictive!